المستشفى السعودي الألماني

Centre hospitalier


   تم افتتاح المستشفى السعودي الألماني في 2001/10/30 تحت رعايه صاحب السمو الملكي المغفور له الأمير سلطان بن عبد العزيز, حيث تعتبر مجموعه مستشفيات السعودي الالماني هي المجموعة الطبية الرائدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وذلك بما تتميز به من خلفية علمية كبيرة .

   SGH – Riyadh is now operating and serving the people of Riyadh and its neighboring areas with the same quality medical care that Saudi German Hospitals are known for.

With 300 beds, it is keen to provide modern and distinguished medical services in terms of quality in the Middle East and Islamic world as well. Our medical service dedicating all rare medical specialties in cooperation with the Medical Centers worldwide to comply with the latest technology in Medicine and Computers in addition to the annual Visiting Professors Program.

This comes out as our main goal to the continuous interaction to serve the community in KSA (citizens and expatriates).

Contacter : المستشفى السعودي الألماني

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